Rasulbek Rakhmanberdievich Aipov
Dean of the School of Pediatrics
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Composition of the dean’s office
Kegenbaeva Gulzhan Bakytkereykyzy
Associate Dean of the School of Pediatrics
Phone/ext.Number:338 70 90 вн.77-55
103 office
Email: [email protected]
Akhan Laila Akhanovna
Associate Dean of the School of Pediatrics
Phone/ext.Number: 338 70 90 вн.75-02
102 office
Email: [email protected]
Nurkasymova Almagul Tursumbaevna
Chief Specialist
Phone/ext.Number: 338 70 90 вн.75-07
104 office
Эл.почта: [email protected]
Daukenova Arailym Ermuratovna
Chief Specialist
Phone/ext.Number: 338 70 90 вн.77-55
103 office
Эл.почта: [email protected]
Eskeldieva Samal Zhomartovna
Clerk of the School of Pediatrics
Phone/ext.Number: 338 70 90 вн.75-02
102 office
Эл.почта: [email protected]
Адрес: ул. Толе би 88, №4 учебный корпус, кабинет 201
Телефон: +7(727)338-70-90, вн 71-65
е-mail: aipov.r@kaznmu.kz