Educational and methodological maintenance

Bachelor’s degree – specialty 5B051301 “General Medicine” direction of preparation “Pediatrics” 4th years students. Sillabus in discipline “Pediatric Surgery”.
Bachelor’s degree – specialty 5B130300 “Pediatrics” 4th years students. Sillabus in discipline “Pediatric Surgery”
Bachelor’s degree – specialty 5B130300 “Pediatrics” 5th years students. Sillabus in discipline “Module: Fundamentals of pediatric resuscitation and oncology”
Bachelor’s degree – specialty 5В130300 “Pediatrics” 5 course. Sillabus in discipline “Module: Polyclinic Pediatrics”.
Bachelor’s degree – specialty 5B130300 “Pediatrics” 5th year. Sillabus in discipline “Polyclinic Pediatrics”
Residency – speciality 7R01131 «Neonatology» 1st year of study. Sillabus in the discipline «Neonatal surgery».
Residency – speciality 7R01130 «Pediatrics» 1st and 2nd year of education. Sillabus in discipline «Pediatric surgery».
Residency – speciality 7R01123 «Children’s surgery» 1st year of study. Sillabus in the discipline «Pustum surgery»
Residency – speciality 7R01123 «Children’s surgery» 1st year of training. Syllabus in the discipline «Emergency surgery»
Residency – speciality 7R01123 «Children’s surgery» 1st and 2nd year of training. Sillabus in the discipline «Outpatient-polyclinic surgery»
Residency – speciality 7R01123 «Children’s surgery» 2nd and 3rd year of training.. Sillabus in discipline «Planned surgery with urology»
Residency – speciality 7R01123 «Children’s surgery» 2nd year of training. Sillabus in discipline «Toracal surgery»
Residency – speciality 7R01123 «Children’s surgery» 2nd year of education. Sillabus in discipline «Neonatal surgery».
Residency – speciality 7R01123 «Children’s surgery» 3rd year of study. Sillabus in the discipline «Endoscopic surgery».
Residency – speciality 7R01123 «Children’s surgery» 3rd year of study. Sillabus in the discipline «Traumatology, orthopedics».